The 4 Pillars

Saving lives through Education, Prevention, Awareness and Support.


The group works closely with statutory and voluntary organisations such as HSE, Pieta House and SOS in organising and funding education programmes with regard to suicide awareness. Examples of this activity are the running of Wellness Days by SOS, as well as the safeTALK and ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) courses by the HSE. The group organises and publicises the courses prior to each event and participates in the running of them. GELS provide and pay for the venue as well as incidental expenses such as tea/coffee, advertising etc...


The group is actively involved in participating in the prevention through all of its activities, particularly in our work in highlighting the various services available to people in need of help in relation to suicidal thoughts or inclinations. We act as a conduit for these services by advertising them on our website, in our useful numbers section, and our information cards. You can also contact us in other ways by viewing our contact page.


One of the GELS groups most important activities is the raising of awareness in relation to the issues associated with suicide, self-harm and depression and highlighting the services available.

The group has undertaken a number of high profile events in the Galway area since its formation, including an information evening for suicide awareness, which was held in June 2013 where 22 different organisations exhibited their services. Over 300 people turned up to this event which received extensive media coverage both locally and nationally. Extensive media has covered our activities in numerous programmes since our establishment, helping to raise awareness and publicises services available.


The groups support for families and individuals in need of intervention and help is of paramount importance to us. Support takes many different forms and can be required at many different times. Intervention by persons and organisations qualified to carry out such life-saving work is vital. The group act as a conduit for these people and services from our premises in Cullen’s Yard, Main Street, Ballinasloe.

Bereavement support for families, friends, and colleagues is also very important. The group is actively involved with the Galway Suicide Liaison Project with the HSE and An Garda Siochana. This is a new approach to providing direct liaison and counselling services for persons affected by suicide.

GELS Centre

Cullens Yard, Ballinasloe


085 123 7878

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
